Tuesday, July 26, 2022



Stop it 

You’re making it worse! 

I don’t know if just seeing you is triggering something in me or if you’re fucking with my head somehow, but the urge to gut your stupid follower is getting worse and worse the longer you fucking stand there. 

This is your fucking guy isn’t it? Do you WANT me to kill his stupid ass?! 

Wait… Wait a minute… 

You do, don’t you? 

You set Doomsy up for this, didn’t you? You fucking faceless piece of shit!  

You’re trying to feed my addiction, so I want more and then you’re going to swoop in and give it to me like the world’s worst fucking dealer! Who gives a shit if you lose a useless fucking kid in the process, right?   

Well fuck that! I’m not going to be your bitch ever again! 

The funny thing is that it’s your own fucking fault too! 

If you hadn’t attacked the Wolf when she came back, we’d all still be serving you! 

If you had fucking shoved a tentacle up Osprey’s ass instead of sitting on your spindly fucking hands, we’d still be serving you. 

If you hadn’t just thrown the Wolf under the fucking eldritch bus in the first place, we’d still be fucking serving you! 

But no, you created this whole fucking mess for yourself, and you’re not going to use me to clean it up, especially not with everything you’ve put me through! 

Holy fuck! How can something as old and powerful as you be that fucking short-sighted and stupid?! 

Oh what? Is the truth pissing you off? Well, what are you going to do about it? Come on then, kill me! 

No, you won’t, because you’re still too afraid of what the Wolf will do when she gets out, aren’t you?! 

Fuck! Fuck you both!

I hate you so fucking much!


  1. Quite a fascinating development, if what you believe it's motivations are true, then this is a very rare occasion where we see Longus Homo in a desperate predicament.

    So far however we haven't seen it do anything too out of character, sacrificing it's servants isn't something new, although it is rare seeing it doing so as directly as it did in this case (That is if we believe it was in fact a sacrifice.).

    Did you by any chance question Mr. Doombringer before letting him go (assuming you did)? Specifically who had provided him the orders on going after you?

    1. Your ass should be focusing on helping Malik and Hannah, but yeah, Doomsy said that he got his orders straight from the Tailor, though he could have been bullshitting.

    2. Ah yes, I guess I should address that at some point.

      However, this is far more important because it's a completely new behavior pattern that Longus Homo has shown off, so forgive me for being a tad curious.

      I do appreciate your answer.

  2. Dawww I do so love redemption arcs. I'm not even going to try and ruin your delusion about your perceived ideas of our Tall Friend's motivations.

    In fact! I'll encourage it. Say you are correct, say it is afraid, what are you going to do now? Your safety depends on Wolf's survival, if there is no Wolf, there is no safety. And yet you've come to hate her, quite the dilemma on our hands.

    So for once in your life, ball's in your court, what are you going to do?

    1. I don't want her protection you fucking idiot! If the Tailor is too fucking scared of her to kill my ass, then that means she still has some fucking control over me!

    2. NO!

      How can you possibly be so dense after making SO much progress!? It's like you take two steps forward and then three backwards.

      When will you get it through your head? Do I have to leak some more of myself down your cranium for you to register, Knitty holds NO control over you, NONE.

      If she has any control over you, that is ONLY because YOU let her! And deep inside you know it! So why? Why do you convince yourself that you are under her control? Because you self justify your safety, because it's easy, because if you show that you are on some level Knitty's little dolly, that means that the Tall Man will think twice before fucking with you.

      Only problem is that you despise this façade, you hate it, it eats away at your very being, it means that you walked down exactly the same path she has.

      So take it from me, despite what the title of this blog is, when looking at where the journey for Knitty began, despite her best efforts, she ended up exactly in the same shoes as the people she despised.

      And if you don't drop your little safety net I mentioned above, you will end up walking in a looping Path just LIKE Knitty.

    3. You don't fucking get it! If someone wants to fucking kill you but they don't because someone else is holding a fucking gun to their head, then the one with the gun is affecting what happens to you! They still have that bit of fucking control!

      And I can practically hear your stupid ass getting ready to say "Oh just kill the one holding the gun!" or some shit. Well if you haven't fucking noticed, that bitch is in another fucking dimension!!

    4. NOW we're on the same wavelength!

      So you DID make a choice, good. Now let's see if you can stay true to it.

      While I don't see the whole dimension as a reasonable excuse (I've been hopping around different hellholes this entire time) I will grant it to you.

      I wonder what Hart will say when he reads this, that you intend to kill the one he protects. Cause until you kill her, you will forever be Fell, her little dolly, but you seem to get that.

      So Harty, what say you?

    5. ...They're both still family to me, so I obviously don't want either of them to get hurt, but if Fell wants to kill Wolf for what she did to her, I don't think I have any right to stand in her way...
