Friday, May 31, 2019

It is very rude to stare

Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?

They certainly did not teach you to bathe. No offence dear, but you smell rather strongly of sweat.

I suppose, if you had competent parents, you would not be here. That is, of course, if they are even alive. Is that why you’re here, little one? Are your parents dead?

Heh… Did I kill them?

Are you looking to join them?

No… You’re not suicidal or you would not have run from me. Where did you go so quickly? You disappeared behind a tree, leaving only your scent behind. Could not detect Ritter in the lingering odor, so I doubt you used the path…. But… Could be mistaken, I suppose.

It is definitely not a mistake that brought you here, however, as you would not have returned to continue your watch.

Did someone send you here? Heh… Wouldn’t that be interesting?

I’m writing this post for you, my little spy, just in case you happen to see it and feel like saying hello in the comments.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Scratch at the Door Part 3

The stench of blood and rot greeted us. Across the dimly lit room, the noisy uninvited whimpered from the chair to which I had bound her. To her left was the circle; the place of my rebirth. The force emanating from its center sent thrills through me. The threshold beckoned.

Glancing back at Scratch, I watched him slowly removing his fingers from his eyes, "Hmmm. No Tear? That's somewhat disappointing." He stepped forward into the room and began to examine the circle. His eyes were like two yellow lights in the shadows. "Oh, birdbrain what the hell did you do..." He muttered, before bending down on one knee to take a closer look at the faded symbols

"Please... please help" Came the inevitable plea from the uninvited.

Scratch glanced at her for a moment before returning to his study. Growling in frustration he finally spoke "Shit is mostly too faded for me to get anything useful..." He pointed to one of the remaining symbols. "That. Looks familiar somehow, but I am not sure how. Osprey had no fucking idea what he was doing, did he?"

"I think the fact he is currently trapped in agony within me, speaks to that." I said with a smile

He then focused his attention on the center of the circle "Oh Fido, can I make a suggestion?"

I drew nearer to him; to the threshold, while considering what lay beyond "Go ahead, dear"

He suddenly grabbed me; pulling me down to look him in the eyes. "If you value your puppies’ lives. Do not let our bandaged, fellow undead, anywhere near this place. Under any circumstances. AND IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT. At least. DON'T LET HIM NEAR THE CENTER OF THIS CIRCLE."

I was shocked at the sudden warning but swiftly raised a hand to stop my family from attacking him. Smiling, I calmly removed his hand from my collar. "I know, Scratch. I have no intention of letting him in here."

He glanced back at Hart and Fell. "You hear me Pups? He gets near this" He pointed towards the center of the circle. "And it is game FUCKING over. You lose, I lose. We all lose."

They were clearly confused but they nodded "Yeah... we get it" Fell said, giving me a look of concern

At their response, Scratch stood up and dusted off his coat "Honestly, if it were up to me, I would fill this entire building up with concrete. But I'd also recommend not keeping your art projects near here" He gestured towards the bound woman "You don't know what exposure to this shit might do to them. Or make them become."

"Heh... her?" I said with a glance at the uninvited. "Oh no, Scratch, she is not an art project, but a guinea pig." I stepped closer to the trembling woman, causing her to shrink away as much as her bonds would allow. "She is the surviving former proxy who came with that foolish little group, looking for my protection." I gently brushed her hair aside, savoring her fear at my presence.

Scratch gave a loud sigh "Traitors. Traitors everywhere I fucking go." He walked over, standing slightly behind me "So what exactly is she a guinea pig for? The effects of this... Place? Bad idea."

"Oh? And what makes you say that dear?" I said while watching the woman's eyes dart back and forth, desperately searching for any hint of mercy from Star or myself.

"Shit like this has a habit of changing people. Nasty shit, nastier than me, tends to get locked up..." He waved his hand towards the center of the circle. "... Out there. You know why? Because out there is worse than anything that has been locked there..." He gave a shrug as he moved closer to her. Grabbing her face, he turned it from side to side as if he was looking for something. "And maybe nothing will happen. But there is also a good chance that something will. And that something might be beyond your power to protect your family from. I burn, sure... But the shit from out there doesn't."

The uninvited gave a yelp at being grabbed. "I-It's horrible. It burned. I-I was suffocating" She stammered, stupidly. 

"What are you looking for, Scratch?" I asked

Ignoring my question, he paused his examination of her face "... Suffocated by what? Not smoke is it? Or what you might describe as smoke?"

"No... no smoke.” Came her response “It felt like there was no air, just pressure- like my lungs were being squeezed but I couldn't die..." Tears began to roll down her cheeks. "And then I started throwing up. It hurt and my stomach had nothing left, but it kept going until-" She broke off as she took in a breath and looked at me. The terror in her eyes was delicious

Scratch let out a breath and took a step back "WOOO. Thank CHRIST. That would have been bad. REAL bad. This? This is manageable. Probably." He smirked at me "Easy fix. Just have to put all the pieces back where they belong."

"Oh, you are certainly welcome to try it, dear." I said with a smirk of my own

He glanced back at Hart and Fell with a grin, before turning back to me. "Oh Muttley. There is a time and place for that. And this is certainly not the time. I mean, unless you want to agree to not incinerate me, and I agree to make myself technically killable. But EVEN then, you have a whole pack, and I'm just one guy. Nothing fair or interesting about that, wouldn't you say?"

I laughed, doing my best impression of Muttley's famous snicker "Very well Scratch, we'll save that kind of fun for another time."

"Please.." The bound woman interrupted "just kill me and get it over with"

Scratch appeared to consider her request. "Well... You HAVE been very helpful." He took a step towards her.

Decided not to stop him as I was interested in seeing what he would do "Going to put her out of her misery, are you? How sweet. You can, if you wish. I figure she's reached the limits of her usefulness."

A glimmer of hope dared to show itself in the eyes of the uninvited. Sctatch leaned down to her, placing a finger on her forehead. He trailed his finger down to her nose, before giving it a tap "Boop." He said before a tendril of Azoth shot from his finger, through her nose and into her brain.

"Excellent, Scratch!" I exclaimed in amusement at his playful approach to the kill. I did not let that distract me from taking precautions, however. "How kind of you, to grant her wish!" I said while directing the molten energy into her corpse. Wanted to be sure he had not left any surprises within. "Ah, I am so happy that you actually came here today!"

His eyes suddenly went wide for a moment, telling me that my suspicions were correct. He looked towards the ritual circle's center. "Yeah, yeah sure, whatever. Something's tingling in the air. I don't know what."

"Everything alright?" I asked in poorly feigned innocence "Tingling…. Is it, now?" I said softly with a small giggle at his assertion. I wondered at how much he knew; how much he could feel.
Finally, I gestured to the door "Hm... heh shall we, then?"

He gave a shrug and walked to the door, taking one last glance around the room before stepping out. We followed close behind.

Once outside in the cold night air, Scratch looked back at us. He adjusted his hat with a smile. "Well. This was pleasant, wasn't it?"

I returned the smile and nodded "It was lovely. Thank you for accepting my invitation" Hart and Fell looked like they did not quite agree.

Fell opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, then said "Don't forget to take this back..." She stuck out her tongue and pointed to the repaired portion.

Scratch tilted his head. "Already? Sure you don't want to say anything while you still have the ability? This may be your last chance for ever and ever and eternity."

She again hesitated for a moment before turning to me with wide eyes. "I love you, Wolf.”

I felt a lump in my throat. "I love you too"

Turning back to Scratch, she said "okay...fucking... take it back now"

Scratch cackled. Fell shuddered as the black fluid squirmed out of her mouth and onto the ground before slithering back to him. "Ah... Hold on to that sound Wolf. You'll never hear it again. This was a one time offer."

I could only nod in acknowledgement as I put my arms around Fell to comfort her.

He turned his attention to Hart. "And how about you? Want to keep the finger? I don't mind."

Hart looked down at his hand, curling it into a fist and spreading his fingers back out. Frowning, he took a breath and said. "Thanks, man, but no. Take it back"

Scratch tilted his head with a smirk. "You know, I hear the words, but I don't think you are fully convinced of the decision. Let’s give you some time to second guess yourself." The finger began to slowly disintegrate into dust, falling onto the ground.

Hart's expression darkened as he watched the pieces fall. At this, Fell pulled free of my embrace and put her hand on his shoulder. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his other shoulder, giving it a pat before looking proudly at the two of them.

Scratch gagged "Oh Hart, we're so proud of you for choosing NOT to have a finger anymore. Your debilitation brings us the greatest joy and knowing that your ability to count to ten is forever diminished SWELLS us with pride. UCK."

Hart gave him a cold look, before his eyes fell back down to his hand "You know, I may have lost that finger..." He said, starting to smile "but I still have this one" Hart looked back up at Scratch, grinning as he flipped him off. Fell laughed at this while a grin spread across my face.

Scratch smirked "You know... A few years ago. A reaction like that would have PISSED ME OFF... And I probably would have done something that would get my ass fried. You would probably survive, though I guarantee you would be down at least a few more fingers... But the thing is, I know better now. I'm gonna leave here, and all you are gonna think about in your quiet moments, is that finger. Until that phantom feeling goes away. Heheheh." He took a step forward, then began circling us. I turned, following his movements as he spoke again. "It's been fun kiddies. An education, even. I do wish this little meet and greet could have been under better circumstances. Really, I do. But as it stands... The next time we see each other, things won't be so polite."

"Indeed." I replied, still smiling "I would expect no less from you, my little lost sibling"

He suddenly jerked forward, stopping a few inches from my face. "Oh you are gonna get a LOT more than you expect."

Unfazed, I grinned at the threat; the challenge "We shall see, dear."

He stepped back, suddenly looking sullen. "Shame your little power is gonna keep this from being fun. Oh well. The boring ways have their uses, right?"

"Heh... Boring ways? Hmm" I laughed as I considered what that might entail

He backed away, into the snowy night "I'm sure you can use your imagination. Ta-ta for now..."

I waved goodbye to him as he left. At his departure, Hart and Fell went back inside. Following his footprints in the snow, I swept the area with that burning energy, before heading in for the night

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Scratch at the Door Part 2

Scratch frowned and shrugged. "Pretty par for the course, with me, I'd say. No idea if he thinks I've earned my place after all this time. As for Lainey... Well. I didn't survive, did I? Really, I was no different from the Carmines, or the Davids of the world. Just in denial about it, like most people. But I'm not a person anymore, now am I?"

"Oh, but you are a person," I said, sympathetically "Even though your body is no longer human, you are still a person in there. A human mind with all the flaws and feelings hidden in a monstrous form. It's alright dear"

He lifted a chunk meat and potatoes up to his mouth. Suddenly his face extended like a goblin shark to consume the food. In what I suspect was an attempt to avoid those uncomfortable human emotions, he suddenly seized upon an earlier point “Your mistake with Fell… Is really quite simple. You got attached. You broke a person down and rebuilt them into a nice little doll. But a doll is ultimately a slave to the desire of its master, yeah? Hehehe. But You? You didn't want it that way. And you call ME lonely. Father's music wasn't enough, so you had to create family for yourself, instead of winning it, the right way." He pointed at Hart. "Like that." He looked back to me with an attempt at a sympathetic smile. "It's a tragedy really, but you made a doll into family. But the truth is, no matter how well made the doll, it is still just a doll. She is what you want her to be, and she cannot be anything more. Ever."

"Motherfucker don't go pushing that family shit off on the Wolf just because your whore of a mother was to fucking stupid to work a coat hanger before your ugly ass popped out!" Fell growled "The Wolf didn't force me to love her! I only started falling for her AFTER I became a proxy"

"If she was just a doll, I don't think she would have survived this long.” Hart interjected “We -all three of us-" He gestured to himself, Fell and I "became family because we had each other's backs and we lived and worked together long enough to start caring about each other." He swallowed a forkful of potato “What do you have? A gassy bootleg Spider Man that hates you and a Juggalo. That's pretty sad, man." He said with a chuckle.

Scratch smirked at Hart. "Awww. Isn't that cute. Really though, Kristy... Fell is a very well-made dolly. I WOULD say you'd be surprised what a well-made doll can weather, but you've already seen it. Even if you don't realize it. But that's not what I'm talking about. I don't doubt her abilities. She seemed capable enough from what I've heard... But so are plenty of Hollows. And Kristy just a couple steps removed from that. Completely devoid of choice. Unable to live a life removed from her Master. Even after that Master died... Heh. You know, I wonder... How hard would it be to bring back some of the mind that was shredded during all that torture? What would the mind think? More importantly... What would it choose, hmmm?"

"I suppose we will never know, dear." I said quietly. "You certainly will not be the one to find out"

"Fuck right off!” Fell fumed at Scratch “I was weak before the Wolf nabbed me! If she hadn't, that fucking prick, Josh would have used me as a fucking meat shield against someone else and I probably would be dead as your ass should be! I don't fucking care what the old me would have done because the old me couldn't fucking do diddly-shit!"

Before things could escalate further, I attempted to redirect the conversation slightly. "Well, with all this talk of family, I must ask, how are they treating you at home, Scratch? Gleeman and Spinner and those you serve, I mean."

He began to absorb the human flesh on his plate. "Hmmm. This from the one Mother lady you mentioned before? Doesn't matter anymore, I guess. Heh. Home is... Fine. I miss the old team, but Gleeman is still around. Spinner is... Well. Not the usual sort I like to associate with, but he has his uses. Father... Whispers, on occasion. And I follow through, of course... Haven't really heard from the Attendants in a while though. Years. Probably occupied with other things."

"To answer your question about the meat, yes, it is from the mother; her leg to be specific. She is quite tender, isn't she?" I said, briefly pausing to consider his answer "Probably best for you that they are keeping their distance. I am glad that you still have Gleeman though.... Not that it matters, but I do not like Spinner. Don't like how he talks about you, or Ritter, for that matter. Keep your eye on that one."

"Yeah, tender enough.” He smiled “Ever eaten a baby, before? Toddler? Doesn't get more tender than that... Now as for Spinner. He's not much to worry about. Single Minded Psychopath. I pegged him for what he was back when he was messing with those college students, and I have been able to predict his every move since. He's not loyal, he doesn't have anything resembling morals, decency or good taste... But, for what he does do, there is no one better." He shrugged before spearing more of the human flesh to add to his plate.

After momentarily imagining the tenderness of infant and toddler flesh, I responded. "Ah interesting. I’ve never tried child flesh. I was not exactly in a position to keep and cook the ones I killed. Don't get satisfaction out of killing children either, so I'm not likely to get the opportunity in the future… Also, I do hope you are correct about Funnel-web." Contemplatively chewing on some asparagus, another question came to my mind "So, you mentioned that Ritter whispers to you... How exactly do you feel about him?"

"The same way I have always felt.” He replied “He gives me clarity of purpose. I am his servant, now and forever. Certainly owe him that after I fucked up back in 2011." He scowled. The finger he was using to absorb the meat on his plate began to tear at it, as if trying to inflict pain.

"Yes, he gives you purpose, and you serve him,” I said, “but how do you FEEL about him? Do you like him? Love him? Hate him? Fear him?"

He considered the question for a moment. "Well... One would have to be a fucking idiot not to fear him. Regardless of serving him or not... I... Suppose I adore him"

"Ah, of course you would fear him.” I said with a smile. “Don't agree with your assertion about those who do not, however. I haven't feared him in a long time, myself. Don't take that as some foolish underestimation though. I am well aware of what he is capable of. Heh I remember when we killed my parents, how he lifted me up and constricted me. I embraced him then, even when I thought he would kill me." I could not help but happily linger on the memory before bringing myself back from the tangent. "Anyway... while I don't share your fear, I do share in your adoration of him, to an extent. Even now. He is a beautiful monster. A most welcome cancer to humanity. That is why I do not seek to harm him; why I am staying out of his affairs as much as possible.”

The meal continued in silence for a few moments. As Scratch seemed to be finished with the food on his plate, I decided to indulge a curiosity of mine "Oh! Something I've been wondering about has just popped back into my mind. Scratch, would you be interested in a little experiment? Something of a... palette cleanser?"

He raised an eyebrow at the question "What did you have in mind?"

"Well..." I rose from my seat and pushed up the sleeve of my coat, exposing my left arm. "I'm curious about what would happen..." As I spoke, thin tendrils emerged from my fingertips, hooking my flesh at one of the seams "...If you were to sample some of my flesh." I pulled on the hooked flesh, slowly, deliberately peeling it back. I felt a thrill of pain pass through me.

"What are you doing?!" Fell cried in dismay.

"It's alright, love" I assured her as I pulled the piece free. Thread like tendrils emerged around the wound and began to stitch it closed. Placed the flesh on the table in front of Scratch before pulling my sleeve back down and returning to my seat. "Would you like to try it?" I asked with a grin.

He stared at it, frowning, for a moment, before slowly reaching out his hand. He cautiously began to tap the piece of flesh.

I giggled, "It's not going to bite you, dear"

"You say that, but if I did the same thing, biting would be the least of what this could do..." He muttered. He finally picked it up and began examining it closely for a moment. Then he popped it into his mouth. All eyes were on him at this point; anxiously- eagerly- awaiting the results.
He blinked, and made a face, but was otherwise silent

"That's quite an expression. Are you alright, Scratch?" I asked

Without a word, he abruptly lost his form and splattered onto the ground. I admit, my jaw dropped in shock. I left my seat to look at the puddle

"What the fuck?!" Fell blurted.

Hart had jumped from his seat, trying to avoid any splatter. "Oh shit!" He cried. "Should I- Should I get the mop and bucket or... something?"

I continued to silently observe the puddle. It bubbled and began to shrink in on itself, as if it was burning away.

I sent out a tendril from my stomach and poked at the center of the puddle. It was thick and wriggled at the touch, even as the other parts of the puddle continued to dissolve. Curious, I attempted to push the flavourless substance, only to discover that it was suspiciously heavy.

With a smile, I pulled the tendril back into the maw "Tasteless. How appropriate." I giggled and stepped back. "That's a cute little trick, Scratch." I said as Fell and Hart continued to stare in bewilderment

Oily black arm bones erupted from the puddle and proceeded to pull the rest of the body. Flesh, skin and clothes slowly covered the bones, until his upper body was fully reformed. He looked up at me with a frown. "Spoilsport."

"What the fuck?" it was Hart’s turn to blurt

I laughed and extended a hand to help Scratch to his feet. "Heh. Sorry dear… All joking aside, how was it?"

This time, he took my offered hand and… began climbing out of himself, as if he was walking up a flight of stairs. As his shoes touched the ground, the remains of the puddle slid into him and vanished. "Spicy.” He finally replied “Like eating... A pepper of some kind. No real taste. Just heat."

I glanced at his hand in mine for a moment before releasing it. It felt like a normal human hand despite being a puddle just a moment ago. "Ah fascinating. Well I hope that body of yours does not get heartburn" I said with another laugh. "Thank you for going along with that little test... Would you like some dessert? I promise it will be more pleasant."

He tapped his chest with a smirk. "I'm afraid I have no heart to burn. Dessert DOES sound nice, though."

"Excellent." I smiled before glancing at Hart "Hart, would you mind getting the cake, please?"

"Sure" came the response as he left the room.

Turned to Fell and asked her to help me with the plates. She agreed and I gave her a little kiss before we went about collecting the used dishes. Once Hart returned, we carried the dishes to the kitchen. We brought back fresh plates, forks and a knife, and went about setting them out. The homemade vanilla cake had been placed before Scratch. I had decorated it with vanilla icing and candy letters that spelled out "Happy birthday". What can I say? I wanted to give him the celebration that he had missed.

"Happy belated birthday Scratch" I said before beginning to sing it to him.

He sat there with a stunned expression on his face, somewhat like a deer in the headlights before turning his head to look at Hart.

Hart smirked "Happy birthday!" He exclaimed "Don't worry, it's almost over. Just say thank you when she's done."

I stopped singing as I could not refrain from laughing at this. Taking up the knife, I cut a large piece of cake and handed it to Scratch. "There you go, dear"

He looked at me with a pained expression "... Thank. You."

Laughing, I replied "Aww you're welcome. I hope you enjoy it". I served pieces of the cake to Fell and Hart before cutting one for myself and sitting back down. Fell, by this point, was shaking with laughter, while Hart simply grinned.

The room fell silent as we enjoyed the dessert. The silence didn’t last however, as one of the uninvited- the former proxy- began crying for help.

Scratch glanced in the direction from which the noise came. "How the hell do you guys SLEEP with that racket? Thin walls around here."

"It sounds like a soothing lullaby to me, dear." I said, listening to her pleas. "But if it bothers you..." I glanced at Hart, who was just finishing his cake "Hart, would you please see to her?" He gave a nod before rising and heading off toward the noise.

"I'm actually impressed that she is still screaming at this point." I said with a smirk.

A thud as well as Hart's voice, rang through the air "DO YOU WANT TO GO BACK IN? NO? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP BECAUSE NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU!"

I could not contain my pride "Oh he's grown so much." I said softly

Hart returned to the room and his seat a few moments later. As he sat down, Scratch glanced at him "Bold move leaving it up to choice. Could just gag her. That's what I do when I want some peace and quiet."

Hart glanced back at him, while running a hand through his short black hair. "Well she's going to be quiet now, one way or the other." he muttered.

Scratch smirked at him. "When you look in a mirror, these days, what do you see?"

Hart looked puzzled by his question "What's that supposed to mean?"

He smirked but did not reply; turning back to me. "Screaming has its place, but... Well. In this life, the last thing you need is constant, loud, noise. Drowns out the important little noises. Like footsteps. Heheheh. Granted, when the screaming stops for no reason, you know you have a problem... But I like to prevent it from getting to that point, personally."

I nodded at Scratch’s words. "Indeed, though her screaming is hardly constant. I figure she likely heard the van earlier or perhaps your voice and got her hopes up." I giggled at the thought

"HONESTLY. I've been here a little while now. If I was going to go rescue the princess, doesn't she think I would have DONE it by now." he said, shaking his head. "Some PEOPLE."

"Oh, I know!" I shrugged "Well if critical thought was her strength, she would not have come here in the first place"

He glanced around for a moment "You got a lot of space around this camp. How many of these idiots are you keeping here?"

"Oh, just the four right now..." I said with a smirk of my own "Well... Three and three quarters, I suppose. I shall have to let her know that her leg was enjoyed"

"AH, that reminds me.” Scratch said “You wouldn't mind showing me the site of your resurrection, would you? Just curious about it."

"Heh, of course you would want to see that..." I considered it "Well, I could... but I don't think you will like it" I said with a smile

He tilted his head with a frown. "And why is that?"

My smile grew "Because of what you are made of, dear. Getting too close might have some... unpleasant consequences for you. Our dear little screamer certainly does not appreciate it"

He put a hand on his hat and leaned back in his chair for a few moments before throwing his hat on the floor. The hat began rolling to the door as he continued "I think I'll be fine... But just in case, we'll send my hat instead of me. I assume you would want to go with it, and then leave a puppy here to watch over me?"

I snagged the hat with a tendril and returned it to his head. "Heh, no, no, no Scratch. I don't think we will be doing that." I stood up and stretched, considering the options. "Come on," I said, finally "If you really want to see it, we will all go together. No cute little tricks. No pieces left behind. Otherwise, I am afraid I will have to refuse your request"

He gasped in mock shock. "WHAT? You mean you don't TRUST me?" He stood. "Fine, fine. After you then."

I snickered at his performance before leading the way to the ritual room. Fell and Hart followed behind Scratch, keeping watch on him. Reaching the door, I looked back to give him the opportunity to stop, should he no longer wish to enter.

He had stopped in his tracks and was frowning. "Hmmm... This shit feels familiar." He put a hand in front of his eyes. "Go ahead."

"Scratch, what on earth are you doing?" I asked in confusion

"Protecting my mind." He replied

I shook my head and opened the door.