Friday, July 31, 2020

Fucking fuck

Fucking stupid shit

My head is fucking killing me. It’s hard as shit to stay the fuck awake but I need to not be asleep. I can’t risk it but I keep seeing shit out of the corner of my eye and its fucking annoying

I’ll find a way  to get you back for this you shitsack cunting fuck that was disgusting.

I just have to keep focus on the Wolf and I’ll fuckin  do it

Fuck you all


  1. Oooooh "shit"! Tell me about this "shit", are you sure you are seeing "it" and not beyond "it"? Maybe you look at a wall and out of the corner of your eye, the part of the wall is something different, composed of something different, maybe? Something indescribable, something your little brain can't comprehend... yet.

    By all means Motormouth, focus, spend all your energy you can, it can be a draining experience, but then again, who's to say it's not a part of the experience hm?

    1. Oooooh shadows? How interesting!


      Tell me, out of curiosity because I just can't seem to remember, what year did you first see Slendy?

      Why do I ask? Why, I just want to know when one of my kin got into this game we're all playing! And yes, you read that right, we are family now, now that you've got a bit of myself and my darling flowing through you, isn't that great!

    2. I can't fuking remember that shit now It was almost a fucking decade ago!

      FUCK OFF

  2. I’m glad you’re- well, you’re pretty far from alright. I’m glad you’re alive?

    Let’s take this fucker down.
