Tuesday, July 14, 2020


How dare you, you absolute scumbag. You coward. I will NEVER forgive this nor will I let it go until you have paid for it in blood. You will never achieve your precious goal, for I will hunt you down like a rabid fucking animal and devour you. Then I’ll keep your mind with me as I rip your “darling” from you and slowly snuff her out. You will be left alone like a brain in a jar with only your insanity to comfort you for as long as I live. If you have any sense in that broken brain of yours, you’ll reach into the old memory bank and dig up some fucking fear because the next time we meet no one will be able to save you. I WILL tear you apart.


  1. Geez, why don't you tell him how you REALLY feel.

    Been wondering when things between you two would fall apart, heheheheh... Though, this seems a BIT angrier than I would have thought, for the first breaking point. What the hell happened? Lose someone? Fell I hope?


    Wait. You are technically Dead. He is a Necrophiliac weirdo. Did he... He didn't Carmine you, did he? Lot of similarities between those two, after all. Hehehe. That would be fucked up even by MY standards, though, and I might have to do something about it. Maybe.

    1. So. Hey. I just found out what happened. And I wanted you guys to know that I really DO feel bad for my hurtful words up there, especially about poor fell.

      You've had a real hard time. In such trying times, you really shouldn't forget that family is always here for you. Should you come seek us out.

  2. HAHAHA! I don’t need to know what happened. I’m in. Let’s get him..

  3. I mean, I'm always for the removal of psychotic scumbags... Even if it is by the hands of other psychopaths.

    And I know we haven't interacted as much in particular, but I've done my reading and I guess I'm kind of worried what could he possibly do to warrant such a reaction, especially from you.

  4. Wow, such anger and for what? All because I decided to give Fell the same gift Slendy provided me and you with? To give her an opportunity to rise above her humanity and I get threats as a thank you?

    I mean, sure, there is a high possibility that she might end up a brain dead husk, but that's entirely up to her and if your training is up to snuff, then there shouldn't be any worries, right?

    1. Oh don't worry, you will be getting a lot more than threats when I find you
