Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Mute, the Bandages and the Emo

If you’ve seen this, you know what happened. You know why Wolf is angry. She’s not alone either. I may not have any fancy powers, but you don’t get to pull that shit on my family and think that I’m not going to do anything about it.

If you’re stupid and haven’t figured this out on your own, I was the sniper. I was keeping watch in a tree when the denizens appeared. It didn’t take me long to spot the three assholes and, between the bandages and the LARPing sword, figure out which one was Franky. After getting off two shots, I slung the rifle over my back and got down out of the tree as fast as I could. I knew that at least one of them would come after me. The movement in my lookout spot proved me right. I took cover behind another tree, quietly took the gun from my back and chambered another bullet. That’s when I heard the sound of something heavy hitting the branches above. This guy was leaping from tree to tree like an animal, pausing only to look around, obviously trying to spot me.

I tried to take advantage of one of those pauses to fire again. The bullet passed through the space where he had been. The dude had pathed out. The noise in the tree behind me told me where he had appeared. Without wasting time looking back, I started running. I could hear him jumping through the trees behind me while I tried to put some distance between us. That plan didn’t work out as he was suddenly right in front of me. Instinctively, I slammed the butt of the rifle into his masked face and took off in another direction. From there it was a game of cat and mouse until Wolf screamed. I started running toward the noise while Franky apparently pathed over to bail out the loser and his sidekick. By the time I got there, Wolf was already kneeling over Fell. The campground was littered with dead art projects and scorch marks that used to be denizens.

Fell has been in and out of consciousness since. Wolf tried to pull some of Kelevra’s Azoth out of her, but she could only do so much. She has mostly been keeping watch over Fell since, but still comes out to help with the clean up every now and then. I’m glad for the help. It was a good idea to fix up the cabins and to make all those art projects, but man is it a bitch to clean. I hope that the clean up is giving her a break from worrying about Fell but I doubt it. I know I can’t stop worrying about her.   

Fuck you Kelevra. Fuck you Malik. You’re both going to get what you deserve


  1. You know, I REALLY don't like it when my favorite traitors are attacked by some of my least favorite.

    I MIGHT have a few suggestions for how to help out, poor, innocent Fell. Bit on the fence on whether I should give them to you, though. Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll consider it.

    Kelly, Kelly, Kelly... Making an active, hostile, threat out of Muttley is a spectacularly dumb move, unless you have really good plan in place. Malik is clearly a goddamn moron, being strung along until the punchline, but Kelly isn't that stupid. Sore Loser, sure. But is that enough to make him do something this idiotic?

    I have no idea what the Big Bad Wolf is going to do about this, or when... But do me a favor, Hart. Make sure her next move is done with a clear head. The Game is really on now. Heheheh. What, oh what, to do about it?

    1. What's with the sudden nice guy act, dude?
      Also, there was that time you told me to burn Wolf to figure out what her skin was made of so I'd hate to see what you would want done to Fell.

    2. Well, don't get me wrong. I'm still probably gonna have to put Old Yeller Down. And you two pups. Buuuut, there IS one way I can think of for that to become... No longer strictly necessary.

      So you couple that with the fact I generally prefer you idiots to the Corpse Rapist... I think it isn't hard to figure out which team I'm rooting for.

      Aside from my own, of course. Heheheheh.

      But to be clear. I have some... Ideas on how to help Fell's condition, but I can't be sure they would definitely work. Kelly's brand of bullshit is weird, and doesn't quite work like mine. Plus, I'd really rather not have people like YOU knowing how to deal with some of my bullshit. So you'd really have to make it a bit worth my while to lend a helping hand...

      Still. Offer is on the table. I'm nothing if not reasonable, right? Heheheheheh. Tick, tock. You have no idea what he could have actually done with that tentacle, or how long you really have if it WAS something more than just a spite attack.

      Tick, tock.

      Just make an appointment. Remember. I AM a Doctor.

    3. I'm probably going to regret asking, but what would it take to make it worth your while?


      All you have to do, to make all this suffering go away, is make me two promises that you will keep. First. You will ask Father for forgiveness for your betrayal, and swear your eternal allegiance to HIM, in exchange for sparing Wolf's life. Second. You will convince Fell to do the same.

      If I'm being honest, I'm not sure I can kill Wolf myself. And it really isn't your faults that fucking Osprey did what he did. So I'd like to ensure... The best possible outcome for the Family, ya know?

      You two back to work, doing what you were BORN to do... And with me not obligated to harm even a single thread on Wolf's freakish head. Hell, even if Muttley isn't technically a Proxy anymore, I'm sure she would still help out on your missions. Heheheheh.

      So what do you say? Save Fell's life, in exchange for trying to keeping your entire little pack alive? Best deal I've ever offered, I promise that.

    5. That's what I like about you Star, you are an excellent opportunist, no wonder you've been relegated to just being a boring ol' business-type office piece. It's just a pity that I, in general, tend to dislike your type of bullshit.

      I mean, say what you want about me, but at least I never tried to enslave people during their most vulnerable time. All because, you yourself Luke, have never been strong enough to break out of enslavement, not from Slendy, not from Elaine, always darting around, looking for a master to tell you what to do. Until you ended up what you are today, nothing but a gooey puppet and now you're trying to do the same to Harty over there, pathetically hilarious!

    6. Oh don't get me started on the business office SHIT... Fucking Global Pandemic Bullshit. Everyone is hold up inside, including the GODDAMN RUNNERS. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? THE RUNNERS CAN'T RUN. And they could never really HIDE... So, for the past few months I have been having to rely ENTIRELY ON MYSELF to make this shit fun. Normally I can use the hunt. You know, THE CHASE aspect of it. But DAY after FUCKING DAY, it is just "Oh Morningstar, we have to break into this, can you get inside and subdue them to be brought in?" No STREET Chases, no forest chases, no CAR CHASES. Just endless LAST STANDS. And those are fun, don't get me wrong, but it gets OLD after a few solid MONTHS.

      Uh... Right, what else did you say? Ah yes, the usual idiocy. Kelly. You really need to understand that your freedom is an illusion. The only reason you are freely walking around right now, is because Father is allowing it. You probably amuse him or something. You are kind of amusingly pathetic. And I mean, no one knows that more than Wolf right now, am I right? You picked a fight, like the proud yapping puppy you are, and it turned out badly. But you gotta save face, right? Believe me, I get that. Still doesn't make attacking Fell like that anything other than a MAJOR sign of weakness. Being the low man on the monster hierarchy stings, I know, but REALLY. You should TRY to preserve SOME dignity.

  2. I’m sorry about Fell. Whatever happens, if you need a weapon at your side, I’ll be there. I don’t have any terms other than don’t kill me.

    Though I’d very much prefer if you kept a certain monster I won’t name out of it. I really can’t.... promise how useful I’ll be if he’s involved.

    1. Can't promise on how useful you can be? Minxie! Come on. Are you forgetting about the gift I have given you? The thing that can very well hurt a certain "monster"?

      Come on, with that kind of attitude, as a weapon, you're about as useful as a person with a gun, who never held a gun in their life before. If you want to be a useful weapon (if you are deciding to relegate yourself to just being that) then those uncertainties and fears need to fade and fast.

    2. Hey, I’m just giving a little forewarning to them that things will not go smoothly if I have to be anywhere near him. That legit might be it for my morality and sanity. Do we really need another loose cannon around here? Even I have trouble predicting what I’ll do when I get like that, and I’m... me.
