Tuesday, October 6, 2020


I can't stay here anymore.

I don’t know where the fuck I’m going but I need to be away from here and away from the Wolf.

I have a lot of shit to think about.

Also, shut the fuck up crapwrappers. We're not family and never fucking will be.


  1. Hahaha oh no, by all means, I'm absolutely wrong, that's exactly why you are currently running away from the love of your life, clearly!

    1. Go fuck yourself! I'm not doing this shit for you.

    2. Never said you were doing it for me, you're doing it for yourself! I get it, coming to terms with the revelation of who your true family are is hard and needs a bit of alone time.

      I'm there for you, sister!

      If you want a family so bad, give that corpse guy a big fucking hug next time you see him. I hope he loses another leg up your ass

  2. Don't listen to the tard above.

    Listen, you better know wtf you're doing, ok?

    1. Thanks. I'm doing what I have to. I think you should take your own advice about listening to that mummy-cunt.

  3. Regretting not taking me up on my offer yet? Looks like the Pack just got a little smaller. I think we all know how this shit ends, don't we? Heh.

    MY CONDOLENCES ON THE BREAKUP, WOLF. Remember, there are other Fish in the Sea. Especially when using fishing rods made in Stockholm. Surely that wouldn't backfire twice, would it?

    1. Fuck no. Running back to the fucking Tailor is the fucking opposite of what I need to do. Maybe you should try your bullshit on the corpse fucker since he's the one looking for a family

    2. HA. And I'll bet Running away from him feels a bit more RIGHT? Sorry. My comment was not directed to you, little plushie. I was talking to your creator, and her enabler. You, dear little plush puppy, and your opinions don't really matter much right now, do they? You're a bit too CONFUSED about things, am I right? Maybe doing a good bit of self-reflection on the past few years?

      TRAGIC. Fucking Tragic. Heheheh. And I'll give Kelly this much... This is pretty damn funny. I'd be laughing more if this was the outcome I wanted to see. It isn't. But I can respect the comedy of it.

    3. No, Scratch, I don't regret it. Fell is free to leave if she wants to; if it would be best for her right now. I figure that it is better for her to have that option.

    4. I'm not a fucking plushie. That's why I can decide to leave, unlike you.

      Congratufuckinglations you figured out that I need to do some reflecting. Something I already said.

      If I don't matter then why the fuck are you commenting? Go crawl back up the Tailor's ass you piece of slender shit.

    5. HAHAHA OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS SHIT. How VERY, VERY, considerate of you Muttley. Giving Fell the opportunity to CHOOSE her path forward. Of her OWN FREE WILL. What a change that must be, for you. It must be TERRIFYING. What if she doesn't make the choice you want her to make?

      Oh but Fell. The thing is, Not only do I know that you are going to do some reflecting... I know what you're going to decide. Because you're a plushie. You exist because of the imagination of your Creator. Your owner. And Your owner just changed. I know it, he knows it, and so does Wolf.

      Shame she got so attached to you. But what will she do without you? Maybe go kidnap another Kristy? Like I said, plenty of fish in the sea, right?

      HA. Fell 2.0.

      Maybe this one will be smarter. Perhaps Fell 2 will be tougher, tough enough to keep little Whelps safe from horrible birds of prey. Maybe this one won't let her master DIE and become mangled freakshow. Maybe, just maybe, Fell 2 won't be so COMPLETELY worthless as to be taken down by that bandaged idiot and his inept lackies. Wouldn't that be something?

      Heheheh. Although, lets be realistic here, anyone who has it in them to achieve any of those things, wouldn't be worthless enough to be caught in the first place, would she? Let alone getting caught AND losing her boyfriend at the same time.

      Hey, Fell. What WAS his name again?

    6. You don't know shit so shut the fuck up. You want to talk about being taken down? How about the time your stupid ass got tossed out a window, or the time when you wound up in a fucking tree?

      At least I wasn't so fucking weak that I went crying to the Tailor to save me. That was you, Luke.

    7. Terrifying, Scratch? No, my little lost brother. I want her to choose whichever path she feels is best for her. I've wanted that since before I died.

      Speaking of my death, there wasn't anything that could have been done to prevent it. I knew that I would not survive my confrontation with that thing. Ritter knew that too.

      I have no intention of repeating what I did to Fell and I'm not seeking a replacement, as she cannot be replaced.

    8. DEFLECTION. Wonderful tactic. Keeps the conversation away from uncomfortable subjects. HAHAHA. I fucked up, and I died for it. You fucked up, and your MASTER died from it. And Whelp died from it. And then your Master came back as even MORE of a MONSTER! You haven't paid ANY price. Not really. Not yet. And your fuck ups have not come to an end yet, oh no.

      As for you Miss Big Bad Wolf... You aren't fooling me. You aren't fooling Fell, anymore. And you sure as shit aren't fooling yourself. So who ARE you trying to fool with all that bullshit? You can make another Fell. Hell, you can make a BETTER one, now, with all the experience you've gained since then. You can make another little Plush Puppy, or a whole PACK to call your own. And when this shit reaches its logical conclusion, and you are left ALL ALONE... I wonder how long it will take for you to find a replacement family? A week? A month? How long will you be able to stand it now?

      What do you think Fell? How long will she last before replacing you?

    9. I didn't fuck up that night, Luke. I followed the fucking plan. I just didn't know the part where the Wolf was expecting to die.

      Yeah, I fucked up with Osprey, but I fucking paid for it with my eye and a chunk of my tongue. I would have died too if the Wolf hadn't patched me up.

      I don't know how the fuck you think you can say anything about me when you were fucking stupid enough to trust that bitch, Elaine.

      The Wolf won't replace me. I know that, because I know her.

    10. Believe what you want if it makes you feel better, Scratch.

    11. An eye and a chunk of tongue. Something tells me your dear old Whelp paid a much bigger price. But I guess that was Whelp's fault? Maybe Hart's?

      I expect Fell 2 will have similar sentiments about Wolf, before the end as well. Lets see if that self-reflection changes your tune in the coming days. Heheheh.

      The deflection doesn't help your case, by the way. I was an idiot, sure. Again, I fucking DIED from it. Death is quite the learning experience, as I'm sure Kelly and Wolf can also tell you. You definitely come back all the wiser for it.

      Bowing out are we, Muttley? Tail between your legs and all? You can run from ME and this little conversation, but you can't run from your self. Lets put this idea in your head, before we go. Fell will be out there. Alone, half-blind and barely able to call for help. Blindingly easy prey for experienced hunters. And I don't just mean ME.

      Oh? What's that? You'll avenge her? Swear Revenge on anyone that harms her, just like you did with Kelly? How's he doing by the way? You bark a lot, but I see VERY little bite these days, unless the prey literally wanders up to your doorstep.

      And its not like Revenge would do anything for Fell herself, would it? No. She'll be dead, and maybe you'll avenge her. But she won't care. And the threat of it sure as shit won't save her.

      You know... Maybe, just maybe, you do want something to happen to her? So you can swear that revenge. It is good drama, isn't it? Fills time, that you now have AMPLE reserves of. Believe me, I get it. Its like having your own personal soap opera in real time. Well, you'll probably get what you want, if that is the case. An exciting new chapter. Our monstrous heroine gains NEW PURPOSE. SEEKING BLOODY REVENGE ON THE VILLAINS WHO ROBBED HER OF HER LOVE. Can't blame you. I may try it myself some time. After all, like you now, I too have eternity before me. Heheheheh.


      Don't your fucking owners have anything else for your goopy ass to do?

      Yeah, I'll be alone but I can fucking take care of myself.

      Go die in a fucking fire again, Luke.
      Fuck you

  4. Yo, it's been a while, just want to make sure you're doing alright out there.

    Don't fucking die, k?

    1. I'm not dead yet. Just doing a shit ton of driving and thinking.


    2. Aw shit you got a license? Man, wish I had driving license...

      Actually, I have no idea if I had a driving license.

      Regardless, point stands, don't fucking die, we blue-texters need to stick together.

      On a serious note, if what, I'm always up for conversing, if you need it at any point that is.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1AHec7sfZ8
