Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fuck titles

 My name is Fell. I’m 33 years old.

My favorite color is blue. She made the text that color just for me.

I’m from Ontario. I came here because I was trying to run from the fucking Tailor

I love the Wolf. She made me strong and taught me how to fight. She’s the reason I’m even fucking alive right now



Something is wrong. I know it’s all true but why doesn’ it fucking look right?   


  1. Listen this is probably not going to help anything and isn't going to change anything, but I still felt the need to say this.

    I'm glad that you're not dead and I'm sorry that the Bandaged Fuck did what he did, I did not want him to pull the shit that he did, I just wanted for us to fuck off from each other's business as quickly as possible.

    Of course things didn't play out that way and now we're most likely going to end up at each other's throats again at some point, so yeah.

    1. ...Thanks. I know that shit wasn't your fault.
      You're still a fucking idiot for coming here and I hate losing
      but I'm glad that I didn't kill you.

    2. Wow uh, honestly did not expect a response... uh

      Listen, back there, right before we fought, I said some shit that pissed you off, because you said some shit that pissed me off. I meant what I said, not because it pissed you off, but because it pissed me off that you went and are possibly still going through that shit...

      I don't know, whatever, nevermind.
