Saturday, April 22, 2023


Well, I just had a hell of a night.

It started when Wolf came back from another hunt, dragging a screaming, struggling woman with her. After what happened last time, I decided to leave so I wouldn’t be tempted again.

Stepping out of our domain and into a small town, I started walking. I wandered aimlessly for a while as I tried to think of something to do to kill time. Reaching the tree-lined outskirts, I got an idea. I walked a little way into the woods before extending my arms up to grab a branch. Pulling myself upward and climbing onto it, I chose another tree and leapt. Extending my arms again, I grabbed onto the new branch and swung to the next.

I kept going, having fun swinging from tree to tree, testing my abilities, until I caught a scent. Letting go of the branch, I landed on the ground and began to look for the source. It was familiar, similar to dead leaves and yet distinct and strong enough to cut through the scent of the other trees. That’s when it hit me- our old boss.

I wasn’t too surprised, since I was kind of in his territory, but then I realized it was coming from several spots around me. Suddenly, someone came bursting out of the trees behind me. I instinctively struck out with a tendril. Taking a quick glance back, I saw that it was embedded in the guy’s stomach. Using it like a hook, I lifted him up only to slam him into another proxy as they emerged from the trees in front of me. More of them came out of hiding to take their shots. One of them swung a hatchet only for me to catch their arm and break it before shoving them into the path of a machete. The one wielding the machete pulled it free from his friend but wasn’t able to do much else before I wrapped my elongated hand around his head and snapped his neck. Hearing another one running up behind me. I extended my leg back, sending my foot hurtling into him. I twisted around on the foot I had planted on the ground, my threads letting me spin in a way that would be impossible for a normal person. I raked my clawed foot across another one’s gut, tearing it open.

By this point, you might be wondering why I didn’t just burn them all or try to escape. Well, for one thing, the air was now thick with the overwhelming, intoxicating scent of blood. It made the hunger even more intense, and I wasn’t exactly feeling sympathetic anyway since they were trying to kill me. Besides, it was clear from their lack of reaction that they were hollows- empty puppets for our old boss. The people that they once were, were already gone.

For another thing, I was hoping that fighting this way might make the tall guy feel safe enough to make an appearance. It was a long shot, but I wondered if he might not know the extent of my abilities. Maybe he wasn’t sure if I could do everything Wolf could. Maybe he just assumed I was still the weak link. Why else would he fling mindless hollows after me like this? If he knew what I could do, then he would know that I could roast them all in seconds if I wanted to, which would make this attack pointless.

Whether I was right or not, in the end I got my wish.

He appeared a few feet away from me, ready to impale me with his tentacles. I wonder what went through his faceless head when I fucking fried them. He disappeared as his body started to burn, saving himself from taking more serious damage. I didn’t think he was going to just sit there and let me kill him, but that wasn’t the point. Do you know what it’s like to hold a knife to the throat of something like that? To make one of the fucking Fears run? God that felt good, especially after all the shit he’s put me and so many others through. I hope it hurt.

With him gone, I decided to make my exit. I used a tendril to knock one of the remaining hollows out of the way before opening a doorway to our world and launching myself through it. Wolf was finished with her captive by the time I got back, not that it mattered anymore since the fight had taken care of my hunger. Funny how that worked out.           


  1. I don’t want to spoil your fun, dear, but please be careful and remember that you can always call out to me for back up.

    1. I think he should be careful too, but I'm wondering if that’s the only thing you're worried about. He did attack your precious fucking “Ritter” after all.

    2. I do not wish to harm Ritter or see harm come to him, but if Hart does, then I will not stand in his way. That being said, I think that the ramifications of his death, the power imbalance that it would cause among the Fears, should be taken into consideration.

    3. Why the fuck don’t you want to hurt him though? Even if the power balance wasn't an issue I KNOW you still wouldn't do shit to him even after all the shit he's done to you. He sent you to your fucking death and he’d kill you again if he could. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. In fact, I’m pretty sure that Starfucker cared about you more than he did, and you killed his ass. So, if you were willing to kill your “little brother” why not your “father” too?

    4. Why are you asking me that when you already know the answer? I’m aware that Ritter never cared about me, but I admire his monstrous beauty. He also gave me a new life; a better life than what I had previously. Good enough that I didn’t mind dying for him… or for you and Hart.

    5. Oh fuck off, he put you through hell and used you like you used me! At least I had to be forced into this shit, you were willing to bow down and take it right from the start. I guess it makes sense though, your own father rejected you so of course you fucking latched onto another and then that fucker did the same! Imagine being so fucking pathetic that you get rejected by TWO families. But you’re still clinging to his ass like a dog to its fuckhead owner no matter how often he kicks it.

    6. Ah, well I suppose we can’t all have the privilege of being born into a loving family like yours, can we? I can tell how strong that bond was by the way you oh so swiftly gave up your parents’ address. Then there was your sister, who called you a fake bitch when you told her you loved her, and after you tried to sacrifice your friend to save her too. You know, the one she raped to death.

    7. And you were in love with the cunt that helped her do it, but now he’s gone. Then you got your claws into me, and I left. You better hope Hart doesn’t get fucking sick of your shit, because then you’ll be alone and you’ll fucking crumble like the dried-up dog turd you are. You’ve always needed someone to hang onto because you can’t deal with diddlydick on your own.

    8. Well, I suppose if anyone would know about being left behind it would be you. Josh certainly didn’t waste any time running for the door.

    9. Your parents should never have let you out of that fucking basement.

    10. Stop! Jesus Christ I was just trying to have some fucking fun for once! That’s all! If I knew this was going to stir shit up between you two, I would have kept it to myself!

    11. No, it’s not your fault. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fuck up your moment.

    12. I apologize as well. I did not intend to upset you, Hart.

    13. @Knitty and Motormouth: Ohohoho I love when truth bombs start flying left and right, how absolutely marvelous! It's nice to see the truths that I've been telling you lot about finally be admitted to, but there's one truth that is still being avoided.

      @Harty: Isn't that right, Harty? Look at you, all grown up, with your fancy new digs and limbs, look at that level of confidence! Wow!

      Too bad it's all a facade, a distraction, from the pain that you've been living with for a while now. It hurts when mommy and mommy fight, doesn't it? Oh yes it does, who do you possibly side with? Mommy was a victim of abuse and so she turned to the big man, then in turn she abused Mommy until she developed stockholm syndrome. And then there's you, an outsider who barged into this family, who didn't suffer at the hands of neither, not directly at least.

      You might be able to harm our Tall and Faceless Friend and you might even be able to kill me, but I will never be afraid of you Harty, know why? Because you are trembling in fear, absolutely sweating from dread every day you wake up and no amount of new coat of pain will ever make it all go away, because the faithful day is coming when you will have to choose. and YOU WILL have to choose, because while you guys enjoy your little family dynamics, you are NOT a family, at the core you're just a group of broken people and wek now how well groups turn out in this game we play.

    14. Yeah, it hurts. Call it what you want, dude, they’re both still family to me and I hate that they’re going to try to kill each other. That being said, I know it has to happen just like I know what I’m going to do when it does. I made that choice a while ago. It doesn’t mean that I want to see them pick each other apart in the meantime, though, especially not as a result of something I posted.

      I don’t give a shit if you’re scared of me or not, the tall guy was, that’s all that matters. If you really want to talk about your fear that badly though, I guess I can oblige. For someone who doesn’t feel emotions you sure are a fucking coward. You’re so scared of your own existence that you would rather destroy everyone and everything than have to face it. What was your bullshit excuse again? Something about cycles and meaninglessness? As if your own actions are any different. But that’s another layer of fear isn’t it? That you aren’t special and your grand plan can be undone like anything else.

      You know, I used to be afraid of you, but not anymore. Now I see you for what you really are: a scared, sad, little man who can’t handle reality and hates that others can.
