Friday, December 2, 2022

Wolf's Offer

Wolf called me to the kitchen and asked me to take a seat at the table.

“What’s up?” I asked as I sat across from her.

“Remember how I said that we had something important to discuss?”

I nodded

“Well, now that you’ve had some time to rest and recover, I don’t see a point in delaying it further” she said, before taking a deep breath.

“You were right when you wondered if I was eating the corpse. Consuming its flesh was what allowed me to take its power… All of its power” She looked at her hands like she was reflecting on her current state. “And now I would like to share it with you.”

“What? How??” I blurted. I don’t know what I was expecting when she said we needed to talk, but this definitely wasn’t it.

“The same way I did; through consumption” she responded “I ate that creature’s flesh, but only as much as I had to. The rest of the corpse is tucked safely away, but I’ve cut several sections of its meat for you and stored them in the fridge. If you eat it, you will have the same power I do. This domain will be ours rather than mine, and you can shape it along with me.” She paused thoughtfully, for a moment “Right now, I can speak to you telepathically as well as feel where you are thanks to those stitches in you. That ability would be yours as well. You would also be able to travel to the world we left. You could leave and return as you please, so if something was to happen to me, you wouldn’t be stranded.”

I sat in stunned silence for a little while, trying to process what she was saying.

“What about the ‘threads” and teeth and… stomach mouth?” I finally asked. “Would I have those too?”

She smiled “Yes, but they probably won’t look exactly like mine. I suspect that much of the… rougher aspects of my appearance are due to a mix of Osprey’s ritual and my self perception.”

“Okay…” I said, “Well what about the mental side of things? No offense, but you’ve been more… impulsive since you came back”

“You will likely be similarly affected… You may also feel certain urges, but it will still be your choice to act on them.”

“Urges?” I raised an eyebrow.

“The hunger” she responded.

“… I need to think about this…” I muttered, as my mind buzzed with the possibilities

“Of course,” she said “take all the time you need. Just know that whatever path you take, I’m proud of you. Not many people could have come this far and survived the things you have. You should be proud of yourself for that too.”

Even in my shocked state, that made me smile.


“Thank you for sticking with me through all of this,” she responded. “You don’t know how grateful I am for that.” She stood up “Now, I think I’m going to make some tea, would you like some?”

“Yes, please.”

That’s where the conversation ended. I’m seriously going to have to weigh my options before I make this decision.   


  1. Just getting caught the fuck up here. Glad to see you got where you were going in one fucking piece, though looking at that corpse was really fucking dumb, not gonna lie. As for the Wolf’s offer, it’s your body Hart, but the hunger is no fucking joke.

    1. Yeah, yeah I know it was stupid of me.
      Thanks, I'm glad you're still out there too

  2. WAIT
    “I can speak to you telepathically as well as feel where you are thanks to those stitches in you”
    Does that mean she can feel where the fuck I am too??

    1. Holy fuck, I’m really going to have to kill you to get away from your control, aren’t I?

    2. No, that just fucking clinched it

    3. Then what’s the problem? I would need to know where you are eventually, wouldn’t I? How else would you get your chance to kill me?

    4. Fuck off with your stupid games! You know exactly what the fucking problem is. You can just show up wherever I am, whenever you like!

    5. But I haven’t and won’t. Not until you say the word.

    6. Oh, how fucking considerate. The point is that you could! You have that power, you’re just choosing not to use it, which means that everything is still on YOUR FUCKING TERMS.

    7. If you want to take that power from me now, just say the word, and you will have your chance.

    8. No, not fucking yet. I’m going to pick a place and I’ll let you know the time when I’m good and goddamn ready. I’m taking that much control at least.

    9. Don't you just love it when children begin to leave their nest and figure out for themselves what a dark and ugly place the world is?

      Knitty, you should be beaming with pride right now at how Fell has grown. After all the mind fucking, humiliation and torture, she still thinks she can have some kind of level of power or control, even if it's not the case.

      Such delusional resolve should be commended, my applause.

      Now the question is on you Knitty, will you allow her delusion to become a reality?

    10. I am certainly impressed with the level of determination that she's shown over the past year.

      Given that I have agreed to her terms, I think the answer to your question should be obvious

    11. So what? Just like that? Going to lay down and die?

    12. She better fucking not! I want a fucking fight!

    13. I think she has more than earned the right to her revenge at this point, Kelevra, why should I move to deny it?
      Heh… wouldn’t even be the first time I’ve died for her

      As for you, dear, was the torture not enough? Are you so eager for more pain at my hands?

    14. You say that like the fucking pain ever fucking stopped!
      I hurt every fucking day that you’re alive, so if you really think that I’ve “earned the right” to my revenge, then you will fucking give me what I want and fight!
