Friday, July 28, 2023

To the Anonymous Commenter

"That severed head must have been quite a gruesome display. I wish I could have seen that."

Heh, I hope this little sketch will satisfy your desire, dear.



  1. It’s lovely, thank you very much!

    1. You're very welcome, and thank you, dear.

    2. I have a little question. What does teleportation feel like? I’ve always wondered.

    3. Well, in my early Proxy days, I felt tremors and sometimes changing weather conditions the environment shifted around me. It was a process that took a lot of energy, leaving me fatigued and dizzy if I had to do it repeatedly, and it often resulted in nosebleeds. Those symptoms lessened as time went on, however, and were all but gone after Ritter gave me Skein.

      These days, when I travel from place to place it's like going through a door, rather than having everything shift around me. I feel the environmental change the way you would if you were in your house and stepped outside, but other than that there are no effects.

    4. Facinating. It’s been something I’ve been wondering about for a very long time, since I cannot do that. The closest I can get to experiencing such things is with my imagination, so I am glad you could describe it to me.

  2. Replies
    1. Interesting. You never had a problem with me keeping my victims for prolonged periods of time before. Why are you suddenly trying to intervene on this one’s behalf?

    2. Well, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve fucking changed. And while there are a few people who deserve that shit, I’m willing to bet she isn’t one of them.

    3. Is that the reason? Or is it because she’s existing in a state that you might find yourself in, if we fight?

    4. For fuck’s sake Wolf, I’m too tired for this shit! Could you please just let her go? You know you can keep someone alive like that now. There’s no reason to hang onto her.

    5. … Fine. As you wish, dear. Just know that my offer still stands.

    6. Thank you. And I know it does.

  3. I wonder how tall the Marshmallow actually is. I know he’s supposed to be cold like frozen dough so that it burns but I dunno how tall he really is. It’d be fun to know

    1. That is an interesting question. I don't think anyone but him really knows the answer. He always appeared somewhere between nine and ten feet tall to me, but others seem to perceive his height differently. I don't know if that's because he chooses to appear differently to different people, or if it's a matter of the individual's perception, or both.

    2. Fascinating, thank you.

    3. Also a thing I’ve wondered, is his suit a part of his body or actual fabric?

    4. You're quite welcome. As for his suit, I'm fairly certain that, despite how it looks and feels, it's a part of his body, just as my own clothes are part of mine.

    5. Interesting. I’m glad I can get answers here.

    6. Heh, happy to help. I haven't had a conversation like this in a long time. It's rather refreshing, as new faces are a rarity these days. I take it, given your questions that you have yet to encounter Ritter, yourself?

    7. Indeed I have yet to encounter him. It wouldn’t be very good if he was easy to find or see. I rarely meet new people as well. It’s difficult to find people that peak my interest.

    8. I have to add that it is very unlikely for me to encounter him. I prefer to watch from a distance. Call me a coward. Haha

    9. Oh dear. I hope that didnt sound arrogant.

    10. Not at all dear. Heh, I'm sure that many people who have found themselves drawn into this would have preferred to watch from a distance too. Do be careful.

    11. I will. Thank you.

  4. It’s hard to get answers.
