When she finally came home, I felt a surge of relief, but that was quickly replaced by a pit in my stomach. Her eyes were glazed over, and she was caked in blood. At first, I was worried she was hurt because there was so much of it. As she got closer, however, I realized that none of it was hers. It only got worse when my eyes shifted down to her second mouth. Caught between the teeth, was a tiny finger.
“Wolf… What did you do?” I asked.
“Hart, please..” she started
“No. What did you do?” I demanded
“I… lost control… I’m sorry”
I’ve been in my room since she told me what happened. She had travelled to a tiny rural community a couple of hours away and let herself into a house, intending to kill the people inside and return home. Unfortunately, they weren’t enough of an “outlet” for her, so she went to another house, and another, and another, killing and eating her emotions away until there was no one left.
I’m still in shock. That was such a fucking stupid thing to do, especially now, when we already have so many enemies. I know she’s hurting but she’s not the only one. She ignored me yet again and then kept me waiting and worried sick while she risked both our lives taking her pain out on children! Jesus Christ that makes it so much worse.
She’s been trying to apologize through the door, but I’m not opening it for her yet. At least she still cares enough to do that, but I’m going to need some time before I can forgive her for this. After what she did though, I don’t know how much time we have left.